NO SHADOW is a video poem, a surreal-associative dream/nightmare, a cinematic experiment lip-syncing the silence of one woman's subconscious.
The text was the base, the platform upon which the structure was formed. The entire film was shot with a smartphone – Samsung Galaxy S4.
Israel 2015 | 8 min | video | color | Hebrew / English subtitles
Concept & Editing: Efrat Mishori and Dana Goldberg | Text: Efrat Mishori | Voice: Rivka Neumann | Images: Dana Goldberg | Creative partner: Hadara Oren | Sound Design: Michael Goorevich and Efrat Mishori | Colorist: Omri Peled, Jungle Postproduction | English Advisor: Maya Perry
CYCLOP International Videopoetry Festival / Ukraine, 2015
Athens International Film Poetry Festival / Greece, 2015